Autumn - "Autumn Afternoon"
Cooper portrait in progress - start to finish
Cooper portrait finished!
Cooper portrait in progress 8 - Tools of the artist's life
Cooper portrait in progress 7 - Color swatches help the artist
Cooper portrait in progress 6
Cooper portrait in progress 5 - Emerging...
Cooper portrait in progress 4 - The perfect color
Cooper portrait in progress 3 - Starting at the top...
Cooper portrait in progress 2 - Some wild colors
Cooper portrait in progress 1 - A surprise
Rare portrait in progress - start to finish
Rare portrait finished!
Rare portrait in progress 6 - The intensity
Rare portrait in progress 5 - Five colors
Rare portrait in progress 4 - Floating
Rare portrait in progress 3
Rare portrait in progress 2 - The tracking harness
Rare portrait in progress 1 - Starting a "grisaille"
Lacy portrait in progress - start to finish