Kevin Roeckl
Jun 29, 20211 min read
Ted and Lovi portrait
I was going through my archives pulling out examples of my "Little Jewel" portraits for a page on my website, and I came across this...

Kevin Roeckl
Mar 1, 20213 min read
Phoenix & Luxx portrait in progress - start to finish
January 20 Leah Hamaluk has commissioned me to do a portrait of her Dobergirls Phoenix and Luxx, a mother and daughter. I begin a...

Kevin Roeckl
Feb 19, 20211 min read
Phoenix and Luxx portrait finished
Finished the portrait of Leah Hamaluk's girls, Phoenix and Luxx, a mother and daughter. From a photo by Leah, an amazing shot where she...

Kevin Roeckl
Feb 11, 20211 min read
Phoenix and Luxx portrait in progress 3
Today’s work in the studio, with Leah's reference photo in front of me on the monitor while I'm working. When a portrait is finished I...

Kevin Roeckl
Feb 11, 20211 min read
Phoenix and Luxx portrait in progress 2
In the last post you saw the 9 gorgeous photos Leah Hamaluk sent for a portrait of her girls… A decision was made to use the shot of...

Kevin Roeckl
Feb 11, 20211 min read
Phoenix and Luxx portrait in progress 1
Leah Hamaluk has commissioned me to do a portrait of her Dobergirls Phoenix and Luxx, a mother and daughter. I begin a portrait by asking...