Kevin Roeckl
Oct 5, 20245 min read
Cheri and Larry portrait in progress 11 - Creating luminous skin
A man’s skin is darker and redder than a woman’s (typically) . So I am putting in some darker colors on Larry’s forehead. Continuing work...

Kevin Roeckl
Apr 19, 20243 min read
Cooper portrait in progress 8 - Tools of the artist's life
I wanted to share a few of the photos I took while working in the studio over the course of Cooper’s portrait. With some...

Kevin Roeckl
Apr 15, 20242 min read
Cooper portrait in progress 7 - Color swatches help the artist
I'm working my way down Cooper's body. This photo, taken in the studio while I was working, shows his body in progress with the pencil...

Kevin Roeckl
Jan 10, 202411 min read
Lacy portrait in progress - start to finish
October 18 Started a new portrait of Lacy for Betty K. Here are 8 possible rough-draft layouts. Which is your favorite? Lacy loved the...

Kevin Roeckl
Nov 1, 20232 min read
Lacy portrait in progress 4 - A challenge on grey
I’ve finished the underpainting on Lacy’s portrait. The Canson paper I chose for this artwork is called “Pearl”, a soft warm grey. My...

Kevin Roeckl
Sep 28, 202311 min read
Odie portrait in progress - start to finish
July 8 My next portrait is Odin (“Odie man”) for Robin B. As Robin was gathering photos and sending them to me, she kept saying, “His...

Kevin Roeckl
Sep 5, 20232 min read
Baxter portrait in progress 1 - The underpainting
I'm starting a new portrait of Baxter, who is 12 years old. Some interesting facts about Baxter: ❤️ His dad Brian has a “Surgery Center“...

Kevin Roeckl
Aug 7, 20231 min read
Odie portrait in progress 10 - What color is a nose?
A red Doberman’s nose is an interesting color. Is it grey? Mauve? Brown? Actually it’s all of those…and more. See if you can pick out...

Kevin Roeckl
Jul 22, 20232 min read
Odie portrait in progress 2 - watercolor techniques
Odie will be in a beach scene that is meaningful to clients Robin and Mike, a favorite vacation spot. He is not allowed on the beach so...

Kevin Roeckl
Jun 22, 20232 min read
Happy Summer Solstice
Happy First Day of Summer! This artwork is a portrait of Doberman “Party” that I created for Emily M. in 2020. Several flower species...

Kevin Roeckl
Mar 26, 202314 min read
Nadia portrait in progress - start to finish
January 20 Starting a new portrait, for Katherine Belzowski, of her Grand Champion, Top Twenty Doberman “Nadia”. GCHS CH Belz Catch My...

Kevin Roeckl
Mar 12, 20231 min read
"Prayer for Racial Harmony"
Michael G. contacted me to ask if I have prints of this angel painting. (I do.) it's part of my angel series I created in the 1990's....

Kevin Roeckl
Jan 24, 202326 min read
Cooper Addie, and Rio portrait in progress - start to finish
October 15 I’m working on a new portrait for Karen M. who has had 3 trained Search-and-Rescue dogs: Cooper, Addie, and Rio…all gone to...

Kevin Roeckl
Jan 16, 20231 min read
Cooper, Addie, and Rio portrait in progress 20
The last thing I do before I consider an artwork finished, is tape it up on the wall, stand back at the distance the client will see it...

Kevin Roeckl
Nov 15, 20223 min read
Cooper, Addie, and Rio portrait in progress 2
Putting in the underpainting of the background scene, on a rainy day. The pine tree on the left was done first with colored pencils. Then...

Kevin Roeckl
Oct 6, 202229 min read
Remmy portrait in progress - start to finish
February 28 I've been working for more than a month on just the preparation stages of a very complex, and very special portrait. For...

Kevin Roeckl
Jul 27, 20225 min read
Stephanie portrait in progress - start to finish
I’ve been laid up with an injury for several months and unable to work, so I decided to share some of my earlier portraits with you. This...

Kevin Roeckl
May 9, 20223 min read
Remmy portrait in progress 13
The last post showed pics taken in the studio with my phone while I was working. But a phone camera doesn’t capture artwork very well....

Kevin Roeckl
Mar 23, 20222 min read
Remmy portrait in progress 7
I've filled in the river background across the upper part of the portrait, and now working on the upper-right Remmy head. I need to do...

Kevin Roeckl
Mar 22, 20223 min read
Remmy portrait in progress 6
I’ve been working on the background river scene — the trees and sky. This post shows how I get a nice light-blue sky on darker grey paper...