"Jet" portrait delivered today to Cathy in Hawaii.
This is why I pack my portraits really well with at least 4 inches of fill on all sides. 😮
Cathy sent the photos and wrote:
Our "Jet" portrait has arrived safely!
Wynter, pictured below wanted to say “Hi” and checked out what was in this big box. Plus Raven and Wynter barked (as usual) to send the mailman on his way. LOL
You obviously have so much practice in packing your portraits, and I just love the care you put into packing! Down to the part of turning in the tape so I can grab the tabs. You make it so easy to unpack!
Thank you so very much for this most beautiful portrait. It’s even more gorgeous looking at it close up.
I’ve always considered the final step of creating a portrait to be packing and shipping it. But the final step actually is the client receiving it…unpacking the box and seeing their portrait in person for the first time. They always comment on how much more beautiful it looks in person than in photos.